JKA headquarters Onlineseminar mit Shiina Katsutoshi Sensei über Zoom hosted by JKA Shokukai Germany am 19.03.2022 Zeit: 10:00 – 11:00 Uhr Anmeldung/ bookings/ contact: claudiu.dinu@karate-lollar.de
Schlagwort: JKA onlineseminar
JKA Headquarters Onlineseminar with Hanzaki Sensei hosted by JKA Shokukai Germany
Keiko Hajime – JKA Shokukai mit JKA HQ Instructor Hanzaki Sensei A great Keiko Hajime – JKA Headquaters online seminar with Hanzaki Sesnei was hosted by JKA Shokukai and JKA Shotokan Kyokai Lollar. Hanzaki Sensei was teaching: Extremelly detailed kihon-kata related to Jion. Deep explanation of the key points of Jion. Detailed body mechanics! Thank so much to the JKA Sohombu Dojo Japan and read more | mehr…
Excellent theoretical and technical JKA HQ-Onlineseminar with Okuma Sensei
JKA Headquarters Instructor Okuma Koichiro Sensei taught at the online seminar hosted by JKA Shokukai Excellent theoretical and technical Keiko with Okuma Koichiro Sensei. He was assisted by Kurihara Jr. Sensei. This online seminar was detailed and comprehensive description and education about the core line and principle of the Body Dynamics in JKA Shotokan Kata Tekki Shodan. There never seen such a deep and read more | mehr…
JKA Headquartersseminar online with Satomi Shimizu Sensei hosted by JKA Shokukai Germany
JKA Shokukai Germany with the host from Jka Shotokan Kyokai Lollar is delighted to inform you that Satomi Shimizu Sensei will teach us on 13en November 2021 from 10 to 11 CET (Berlin Time).
2021 JKA Spring Joint Training Camp (online)
2021 JKA Spring Joint Training Camp Das diesjährige JKA Spring Joint Trainings Camp findet online über Zoom am Samstag 10.04.21 statt. Zahlreiche Danträger von JKA Shokukai haben sich bereits für die zwei Trainingseinheiten am Samstag angemeldet. Wir freuen und auf das lehrreiche Training mit den Ausbildern des JKA Headquarters via Zoom. Information (Quelle JKA Website: https://www.jka.or.jp/en/jka-news/2021-jka-spring-joint-training-camp-online/ 06.04.2021, 20:30): Schedule → “2021 JKA Spring Joint Training read more | mehr…
NEW: Überblick über das JKA Headquarters Online-Training (April-Juni)
JKA Headquarters Online-Seminare April – Juli 2021 Das JKA Headquarters bietet im April bis Juni weitere Online-Seminare über Zoom an. JKA Shokukai Germany hosted davon wieder mehrere JKA Karate Online-Seminare, wie schon in den letzten Monaten. Wir haben eine Übersicht über aktuelle Online-Seminare erstellt (keine Gewähr zur Vollständigkeit, die Liste wird stetig erweitert): JKA Headquarters Online Veranstaltungen JKA Shokukai hosted davon wieder mehrere Online-Seminare, read more | mehr…
JKA Headquarters online seminar with Naka Sensei
JKA Headquarters online seminar with Naka Sensei March 20th, 2021 was the JKA Headquarters online seminar with Naka Sensei. That was a great seminar hosted by JKA Shokukai Germany with international participation. We learned a lot. Contant: Sonoba kihon, be careful about hikite for renzoku waza, koshi no kiru, koshi kiri kae, Heian Shodan special traiing with renzokuwaza and more. Thank you Naka Sensei. read more | mehr…
JKA Headquarters Online-Seminar mit Shimizu Sensei 06.03.
JKA Shokukai Germany, is delighted to announce our 9th Online Keiko with participation of Ryosuke Shimizu Sensei hosted and organized from JKA Shokukai. Known for his alround Competition Spirit and Knowledge about Kata and Kumite techniques, Sensei is a permanent Instructor of the JKA Sohonbu Dojo in Japan and as well instructor for the JKF National Team. We are very happy to host Shimizu read more | mehr…
JKA Headquarters Online-Seminar mit Ogane Sensei
OSS! We JKA Shokukai Germany, are delighted to announce the the Online Keiko with participation of Yutaro Ogane Sensei. Known for his alround Competition Spirit and Knowledge about JKA Kata and JKA Kumite techniques, Sensei is a permanent Instructor of the JKA Sohonbu Dojo in Japan. We are very happy to host a young and very dynamic Instructor and Thank again for the continues read more | mehr…
NEW: Überblick über das JKA Headquarters Online-Training
JKA Headquarters Online-Seminare Das JKA Headquarters bietet auch im Februar & März zahlreiche Online-Trainings über Zoom an. JKA Shokukai Germany hosted davon wieder mehrere JKA Karate Online-Seminare, wie schon im letzten Jahr. Wir haben eine Übersicht über aktuelle Online-Seminare erstellt (keine Gewähr zur Vollständigkeit, die Liste wird stetig erweitert): JKA Headquarters Online Veranstaltungen JKA Shokukai hosted davon wieder mehrere Online-Seminare, wie schon im letzten read more | mehr…