TO All JKA members, Today, 1st October, We, JKA HQ declare that FUNAKOSHI GICHIN ONLINE FESTIVAL will be held. Please see our JKA Cannel on YOUTUBE. → “Kata” online championships: The KATA you will perform is “TEKKI SHODAN” arranged specially for moving easily in small space. You can check the information including how to take video for participation from here. We expect many JKA members will participate in read more | mehr…
Kategorie: JKA HQ – Japan
JKA Headquarters Japan, JKA Sohonbu Dojo
JKA Headquarters Autumn Camp Online 2020
JKA Sohonbu Autumn Camp 2020 With Izumiya Sensei JKA Shokukai participants from Germany: Dinu, Schinck, Stein, Seidel, Redder Am 17.10 fand das Onlineseminar der JKA mit Izumiya Sensei im Zuge des Autumn Camps in Tokyo statt. Der Trainingsinhalt war auf JKA Instructors ausgerichtet. Drei unserer Dan-Träger nahmen am Seminar via lifestream in Pankow teil. Vielen Dank an das JKA HQ und Izumiya Sensei. #jka read more | mehr…
JKA HQ Online-Training with Mai Shiina Sensei
JKA HQ Onlineseminar with Mai Shiina Sensei hosted by JKA Shokukai Germany 03.10. 11:00-12:00h Topics: timing and hips rotation for Kumite JKA Karate Life Streaming in Lollar and Berlin. We practiced various counter variants and did reaction training. It was a very instructive seminar. Thank you for a great Seminar Mai Shiina Sensei!
JKA Headquarters Online-Seminar mit Ueda Sensei
Online-Seminar mit Ueda Sensei Am Samstag 26.09. fand das JKA Headquarters Online-Seminar mit Ueda Sensei hosted by JKA Shokukai statt. Das Streaming erfolgte nach Lollar und Berlin zu zwei parallelen Events. Das Seminar war sehr professionell von Ueda Sensei und einem Englisch-Dolmetscher geführt. Hauptinhalte war der explosive Einsatz der Hüften mit ausgewählten Techniken und Elementen aus verschiedenen Kata. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad variierte dabei je Kata. read more | mehr…
JKA Headquarters online lessons via zoom
JKA Headquarters Online lessions Information für unsere Mitglieder Das JKA Sohonbu Dojo startet ein online Training mit Zoom am 1.August mit Izumiya Sensei. Mehr im Link unten an. JKA Headquarters start online lessons for overseas members from Saturday, August 1st. In the Link you will find the registration Link from the JKA HQ Website. Apply through JKA website: Click the “Online Training” banner on read more | mehr…
Information of JKA Headquarters
Information of JKA Headquarters The goods have not been delivered We have received some inquiries about un-delivered Dan certificates, License cards, Individual membership cards, Kyu diplomas and JKA Passports. Japan Post Office has been stopping the international shipping of any parcel from Japan since 1st April because of cancellation of air plane services. Therefore at this moment we can’t send any parcels to any read more | mehr…
Message from Shuseki-Shihan
Against coronavirus infectious disease Against coronavirus infectious disease With the spread of the new coronavirus infection, the State of Emergency was declared by Japan Government, and nobody knows when the situation will be over. Under current situation, you may feel unease day by day. In order to overcome this unprecedented crisis, we believe that it is important for each of us to take the read more | mehr…
JKA Joint Autumn Camp Tokyo 2019
Das diesjährige JKA Joint Autumn Camp fand vom 10.-13. Oktober 2019 in Tokyo Japan statt. Als Vertreter für Deutschland entsendete JKA Shokukai 4 Teilnehmer aus Berlin: C. Stein, R. Schinck, D. Uhlrich, A. Schmidt. Das Camp stand unter dem Titel: Tsuki Waza. Kaicho Kusahara Katsuhide eröffnete mit einer Rede zur Bedeutung des Budo Karate das Autumn Camp. Ihm folgte eine Rede von Chiefinstructor Ueki read more | mehr…